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Content marketing and digital marketing demystified! Get honest marketing advice and action steps you can take today to increase the amount of content you’ve created online. 


Whether you're just starting out in your business as a new entrepreneur or you've been in business or you've been speaking for several years, the Marketeers Mastermind Podcast will show you how to construct better website content, make new lead magnets to grow your email list, and understand how to put together marketing solutions, driving leads to your website so you can sell more services.


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Feb 2, 2022

Marketeers Mastermind Podcast

Episode 017

What is a Digital Marketing Plan?


Check in to the Digital Marketing Hotseat Podcast this week as Lynn and Mark discuss the basics of creating and implementing a digital marketing plan. Listen in for more digital marketing tips and techniques. 


What is a Digital Marketing Plan? 


Simply put, a digital marketing plan is a basic calendar that outlines what digital advertising you’re going to be doing each day. These may be social media posts you’re going to send out, email marketing you’re planning on, and so forth. Making a digital marketing plan will actually save time in the long run. Even a simple plan cuts down the decision-making process day-to-day.


Why You Need a Digital Marketing Plan


In Mark’s words, a digital marketing plan is like a hypothesis: making educated guesses on what will drive leads, make sales, or reach any other goal in your business, and testing what works. If you’re not testing your digital marketing, then you’re just guessing, which Mark doesn’t recommend, as you’ll end up spending unnecessary money and time. 


A digital marketing plan can include anything from social media posts, to blogs, to YouTube videos, to email marketing. If you’re still unsure of where to start, think back on what questions you commonly get from clients, and turn that into content. It’ll save you time, as well as generate new business for you. 


How Do I Create a Digital Marketing Plan? 


Lynn recommends first looking at what your goals are. What’s important to you and your business? This provides a base to build off of. She will also ask her clients what they’re comfortable with doing regularly. At the very least, Lynn suggests sending out an email every other week, which will bring more views to your website. 


A digital marketing plan can be as simple or as complex as you want. With new business owners, it’s best to start out small and build from there. Don’t be discouraged by other companies’ large funnels and extensive plans. Chances are, they have years of experience and dedicated teams running their digital marketing plans. 


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